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πŸš€ Get Started ​

This guide will walk you through installing Cano TS and using it in both synchronous and asynchronous pipelines.

πŸ“¦ Installation ​

npm install cano-ts
pnpm add cano-ts
yarn add cano-ts

πŸ”₯ Basic Usage ​

πŸ”Ή Sync Pipeline (pipeSync) ​

Use pipeSync() when working with synchronous functions.

import { pipeSync } from "cano-ts";

const add = (x: number, y: number) => x + y;
const multiply = (x: number, factor: number) => x * factor;
const format = (x: number, prefix: string) => `${prefix} ${x}`;

const result = pipeSync(5)
  .next(add, 3) // 5 + 3 = 8
  .next(multiply, 2) // 8 * 2 = 16
  .next(format, "Result:")

console.log(result); // "Result: 16"

βœ… Key Benefits:

  • Readable & Maintainable – No deeply nested function calls.
  • Pass Additional Arguments – Each function can take extra parameters.
  • Simple & Efficient – Works well for transformations like data formatting.

πŸ”Ή Async Pipeline (pipe) ​

Use pipe() for asynchronous functions like API calls or database operations.

import { pipe } from "cano-ts";
import DB from "../db"

async function fetchUser(id: number, db: DbInstance): Promise<User> {
  return db.getUserById(id);

async function updateRole(user: User, newRole: string): User {
  return { ...user, role: newRole };

async function saveToDB(user: User, db: DbInstance): Promise<User> {
  await db.updateUser(user);
  return user;

// Use Cano Ts
const result = await pipe(1)
  .next(fetchUser, DB)
  .next(updateRoleTo, "admin")
  .next(saveToDB, DB)

console.log(result); // { id: 1, name: "Alice", role: "admin" }

βœ… Key Benefits:

  • No More .then() Chains – Functions execute sequentially.
  • Readable Flow – Data flows top to bottom.
  • Works with Promises – Handles async/await operations easily.

πŸ“Œ Debugging with .log() ​

Use .log() to inspect intermediate values without breaking the pipeline:

await pipe(5)
  .next(async (x) => x * 2)
  .log() // [PipeAsync] anonymous -> 10
  .next(async (x) => x + 1)
  .log("After increment:") // After increment: 11